How to use Sri Yantra Gel and White Powder Gold

This stuff is far more than white powdered gold. It is the Sri Yantra. Look up anything related to it and it would be a description of this material. It is incredibly powerful. The wet gel is the one meant to be harnessed by the esoteric superpower known as the Stomach. 70% of the immune system resides within, all of the healthy or unhealthy viome and all the microbes that actually govern your thoughts and emotions. If you don't believe that, read The Psychobiotic Revolution. Where your stomach goes, your body goes, and more importantly, your brain goes. Digestion is the purest and most efficient means of getting the photonic powerhouse of this ancient alchemy into every cell.
It's a high pH, 9.5 - 9.8, but there are alkaline waters out there in convenience stores that are that high. The difference is that you recognize the salinity. salt is good. It reduces the surface tension of cell walls and helps distribute the good stuff through the digestive process. When you're ready and you've had an empty stomach for 8 hours, generate some saliva in your mouth, put 1-3 drops on the back of your tongue and swallow with the saliva. Your built-in reaction chamber, your stomach, generates heat. Any alkaline and acid that come together automatically generates heat. That is normal. That reaction is the magic. It is your body's chemistry that melds with this high substance that then takes over the process and begins to do whatever needs to be done in your physiology. We recommend using it no more than every 3 days. Three days are enough to work out everything that is needed for this "round". Then put it back to work. Most important for when and how much is, USE YOUR INTUITION! If you don't, you won't develop it, and this stuff wants nothing more than to help you develop it, along with every other extra 3D sense. If you decide you don't like the taste, you can add a dose to a little water, stir and drink. It will reduce its effectiveness, but do what you can't do. USE YOUR INTUITION! If you don't, you won't develop it, and this stuff wants nothing more than to help you develop it, along with every other extra 3D sense. If you decide you don't like the taste, you can add a dose to a little water, stir and drink. It will reduce its effectiveness, but do what you can't do. USE YOUR INTUITION! If you don't, you won't develop it, and this stuff wants nothing more than to help you develop it, along with every other extra 3D sense. If you decide you don't like the taste, you can add a dose to a little water, stir and drink. It will reduce its effectiveness, but do what you can't do.
A finger/knife tip is enough of the dry powder. You can just open the cap, put your fingertip on it and shake it a little. Whatever sticks is a dose. One, two or three of these would be plenty. Use it when you want or when called upon. Again, your intuition should be your only guide.
The gel can be used for many purposes. You can add a few drops to a bath. You can also just sit with it, or place the bottle on your chakras one by one. For meditation, rub a little in your third eye. Get creative. use your imagination Use this stuff! Be the author of your own potential! This material is also involved in an important and hugely impactful global project that can be accomplished through you. But only with your consent. If you don't know what this project is and are interested in learning more about it, email us:
This material has a mind of its own and knows what to do. It will go into you and begin to work on physical things that need cleaning, enhancing, updating, etc. It will do so in the necessary order and it will do so with a holistic and balanced approach. The physical is the operative term here. These bodies are marvels of engineering, especially ethereal ones, and we haven't even surfaced the surface of their potential. What can be done with these instruments begins with the physical, not the so-called spiritual. It's like saying that all the deepest secrets of spirituality are unlocked from within. Having noticed this, it's also important to know that if you're in a hurry, or you're not quite clear, you might encounter difficulties. The more your body and subtle fields become cluttered with toxic filth, beliefs and programming, the more you need to clear and let go and the rougher this will be. It won't be much more than detox symptoms, but there might be some emotional experiences as well. It might be a rollercoaster ride, but that's to be expected when you're in the process of overhauling your entire being over and over again. This is why we all have other preparatory alchemies. Origin, Lumin, IPhaz, and Phasix do all the step-by-step clearing work if you feel like this could be a way of doing more with ease. You are doing a great job of erasing and clearing, in time and in balance, to "
After all, almost nobody knows how poisoned he is. For example, cadmium is in practically everything on the planet, including newborn babies. It is an insulator of the higher energetics and is a toxin that fools the body into thinking it is zinc. Detoxification from heavy metals is extremely important in order to reach higher states. Our product, Purazyme, does that and it and Sri Yantra work together to speed up this process. There is a lot of good information on the Purazyme site. This isn't a race, so don't use too much of it. We disclaim any responsibility for those who cannot be responsible. Understand that this can take months. What you will be on the other side will amaze you.