High Energy Nanoparticle-Rhodium
High Energy Nanoparticle-Rhodium
- is attributed to the increase in neuronal performance and is particularly effective in combination with nanoparticle iridium. Rhodium exists in different states, e.g., as metal, as nanoparticles, or in monoatomic form. Nanoparticle rhodium is produced technically or electrically and can be used as a dietary supplement to harmonize your energy. Due to its particulate structure, it interacts with the body, especially the brain, creating more balance.
Ingredients: nanoparticle rhodium, purified water
Amount: 28ml per bottle
Use 15 to 30 drops once a day. Leave it in your mouth for a while, e.g., under your tongue, and finally swallow what is left.
Our Alchemist about Nanoparticle Rhodium:
This is a 1 ounce bottle of nanoparticle, high energy rhodium and water - Rhodium and iridium function so similarly that they are often called twins. They're both present in the brain, and now it is generally known that around 5% of the dry weight of the substance comprising the brain is made of rhodium and iridium in this transitioned state. Like silver and gold, rhodium and iridium assist in the efficiency and performance of the neural circuitry, in the synaptic connections. Using these increases clarity and strength of the brain, making multitasking much simpler and more natural. They'll also increase the vividness of dreams, and help with recall of them.
They're both also becoming more and more known to have potent anti-aging properties. Rhodium is now being heavily researched as a means to treat cancer, although very little of anything conclusive has yet been published. Because rhodium works with the central nervous system, mainly the brain, it's also instrumental in moving the body towards using sunlight as an array of nutrients more associated with where the human mechanism is going, through a type of photosynthesis.
The new nutrients for the new human:
These metals in this nanoparticle form are the new nutrients, the new supplements, for the new human. The pure metals have been reduced to nanoparticle crystals which are not only bioabsorable, but are bonded with hydrogen to carry out specific electrical instructions in the body, including the activation of inert DNA. Where there are various types and levels of impedence (reduced conductivity) of electrical conduction through these metals when they are in the original metallic form, so are the nonmetallic crystalline forms also conductive for bioelectricity, or the type of electricity used by the body. Because the energy output of these liquids isn't on the level of the other alchemic products available here, these can be obtained and used immediately literally as a daily supplement.
Use between 3 and 10 drops, on or under the tongue.
This form of rhodium is prepared through the use of an electronic device that produces between 220,000 and 250,000 volts of cool direct current electricity, and will disperse the elements through deionized water, making what is known as a monodisperse suspension. A monodisperse suspension is, in our case, an aqueous (water solvent) solution containing elements where each particle is the same size, shape and distance apart, also referred to as homogeneous. All of these nano-element products are 100+/- ppm. The electrical current can also cause a plasma-like reaction in a chamber with inert gases and is always either neon blue, indigo or purple.
When the current is run through the element, the element itself remains partially intact while creating crystalline particles in the size range of 5 to 50 nanometers (a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter), and only a percentage of which can actually be detected by conventional analytical methods because the elements themselves now "vibrate" out of the spectral range of the given element.